Thursday, March 31, 2011

Earth Day Green Tea

Parteaz and It's SEW Crafty to host

Earth Day Green Tea

FRIDAY, April 22nd
11:30- 1
Come join us for a afternoon of reusable, renewable

and recyclable FUN!

Make a Window planter with "It's Sew Crafty" and of course we have to have a tea party with "Green" tea and Organic Sandwiches.


$35 for 1 child
$30 each for 2 or more

Silverlicious Tea Party

It's SEW Crafty and Parteaz to host

Silverlicious Tea Party


MONDAY, April 18th

Put on your Silver Wings and Let us transport your little one into the story. Make a themed craft with"It's Sew Crafty" and finish the morning with a tea party and make a sweet treat just like in the story!

$30 for 1 child
$25 each for 2 or more

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Phone Number for It's SEW Crafty

In order to serve you better we upgraded our phone system
the new number for It's SEW Crafty is....

(862) 205 1603

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Quilting Club starting

It's SEW Crafty is starting a Quilting Club

I've never quilted before ...but thought it would be fun to make something funky..and meet new friends

If you don't have any worries I have lots of scrap material, sewing machines and supplies-

I even have a bunch of patterns to work with too!!

a master quilter will be coming once a month to help with any questions

first meeting will be

Tuesday March 15 at 11:30am
(babies welcome in a snugglie seat)

and every Tuesday that follows...... make the meetings when you can- :0

$5 suggested donation to cover material costs

meetings will be held It's SEW Crafty
1860 Springfield Ave Maplewood

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fairy Princess Tea Party

Another event form Parteaz and It's SEW Crafty...

Fairy Princess Tea Party Sunday March 27th- 10- 11:30 Ages 2- 6
Dress up as a Fairy. Adorn yourself with sparkly wings and let your imagination take fight.Make something beautiful and special with "It's SEW Crafty".Make a yummy magical Fairy snack to go along with your "tea". Play some games of make believe and soar away with smiles and happiness!

35 for 1 child- $30 each for 2 or more
Features: Kids

Phone: 973 447-0616